Dangerous Goods Diamond labels are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of AS 1216, so you can meet your safety and compliance obligations.
There are 9 different dangerous goods classes, with some of these classes also containing subdivisions. The specific risks associated with dangerous goods differ from class to class. Therefore, all dangerous goods storage facilities must be marked with the correct dangerous goods labels and hazard signage.
The Australian Dangerous Goods Code outlines the requirements for dangerous goods labels in accordance to their primary and subsidiary risk. This Dangerous Goods Signage must be used on packages, storage facilities, unit loads and freight containers.
In addition to your Dangerous Goods Label, you may also need to install Hazard Signs, or Hazchem safety signs, to warn staff, customers and visitors to the hazards present in your workplace. If you have installed emergency eyewash and safety showers at your site, you will also need to erect Emergency Equipment Signage.